Good Government Now! (GGN!) is the Political Action Committee (PAC) of the Hayward Chamber of Commerce. GGN!, in partnership with our elected representatives, is dedicated to constructive and timely advocacy concerning the actions of local, regional, or state governments that are deemed to potentially impact the success of entities doing business in Hayward and/or the future economic prosperity of the Hayward community.
GGN! is authorized by the Hayward Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors to act autonomously in determining the support of or opposition to candidates for elected office and initiatives and other ballot measures on local and state ballots. GGN! is solely responsible for the positions taken, candidates endorsed, and support given in any specific local or state election.
Hayward Chamber of Commerce's Voter Guide
Hayward City Council
Ray Bonilla
Angela Andrews
Dan Goldstein
Francisco Zermeno
Hayward Unified School District
Peter Bufete
Calyn Kelly
Austin Bruckner Carrillo
Hayward Area Recreations And Parks District
Rick Hatcher
Peter Rosen
Louis Andrade
Eden Health District
Sabrina Aranda
Chabot-Las Positas Community College Board
Hector Garcia
City of Hayward Ballot Measure K1
Vote "Yes"
California State Ballot Measure Prop 32
Vote "Yes"
California State Ballot Measure Prop 33
Vote "No"
California State Ballot Measure Prop 34
Vote "Yes"
California State Ballot Measure Prop 36
Vote "Yes"
Our Mission

In support of the goals and values of the Hayward CA Chamber of Commerce, GGN! works to elect candidates and support ballot measures that ensure a growing economy and vibrant community for all. As the political action arm of the Chamber, we accomplish this through timely, intelligent, and informed response to local, state, and regional candidates and ballot issues that impact the Chamber service area and Chamber Members. GGN! maintains robust resources that allow us to be an effective player in Central AlCo political and decision-making process; and strategically expends these resources in support of the Mission of the Chamber.
Our Vision

Related to business and the Hayward community, GGN! is among the top recognized power players in Central AlCo related to the development and endorsements of candidates and ballot issues. GGN! maintains impressive funding and political capital and is viewed by candidates and ballot advocates as a necessary endorser in order to be successfully elected or passed by voters respectively.
Work with team of professionals like yourself